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5 posts tagged with "toucaan"

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19 min read
Marvin Danig

This article was originally featured on the The Bubblin Blog.

Welcome to the newest chapter on Rethinking CSS Frameworks with the Toucaan. In this chapter, we will implement A CSS Router that will allow us to isolate and deliver only medium-specific stylesheets that make our apps "belong" to the device.

This css router will eventually form the backbone of the Applied Principles of Intrinsic Design, therefore, we recommend the end user to read this post carefully.

5 min read
Marvin Danig

This article was originally featured on the The Bubblin Blog.

In the last chapter we floated the idea of replacing the first anti-pattern that pervades nearly all of the traditional css frameworks.

Here's a quick recap:

Hardcoded width-based MQ breakpoints that separate styles between desktop, mobile, and other category of devices is an anti-pattern.

7 min read
Marvin Danig

This article was originally featured on the The Bubblin Blog.


2023 is almost here.

While the world continues to race towards space age or AI (LLM) driven publishing, let's turn our gaze towards the other more pressing frontier of technology that is relevant to our lives:

CSS. 馃檪

3 min read
Marvin Danig

CSS has had viewport units like vw, vh, vmin, and vmax for years with a great browser support. These units work fine in nearly all the scenarios except on a mobile where the height of the viewport (unit) changes as the page is scrolled up and the browser interface hides away.

Recently, a few new level-4 css units were announced as browser standards to address this issue.